Tuesday, September 13, 2011

A start in the right direction

So how am I doing today???

I haven't cried yet- that's always good.

I've been pretty even tempered with my girls- that's also good.

I've cleaned the house a little- definitely good w/ my monsters.

My girls have been dressed and fed both meals so far.

**I'm attempting to pick myself back up**

On the other hand...

I'm having trouble wanting to go out of the house w/out Tim.

I don't really want to talk w/ anyone- at least in person- I'm really afraid it would turn my waterworks on and never turn off again. To see the look in their eyes and hear the sympathy in their voices- yep not sure I could handle it.

But I'm tired of making these sad posts. Because not everything in life is sad. In fact there's a lot of good too.

As long as I'm not too stuck in my "mood" to see it.

Yesterday we did go to the fair. And it wasn't all bad. Actually most of it was good. Besides wanting to run and scream everytime I saw another pregnant lady (there were tons!) and having absolutely no appetite for the yummy, not-so-good for you fair food I actually enjoyed myself.

The girls- mainly Hailey- went on a LOT of rides. She definitely my child and loves the rides. I went on a bunch with her too because she wasn't tall enough even for some of the kiddy rides to go by herself. Why did I go and not Tim? Well it was easier for me to fit onto the smaller rides and then poor Tim gets motion sickness pretty bad. Ya it sucked having to buy another wristband for me, but I at least rode enough rides to get my money's worth.

And it made Hailey happy.

And it made me smile a little too.

The girls got to ride ponies and see and touch lots of animals. And of course eat fair food.
And most of all we were together as a family.

The girls got to see mommy laughing and smiling a bit.

And we all got a few hours to take our minds away to a happy place for a bit.

1 comment:

The Brown's Sanitarium said...

Hailey and the tortoise is my favorite picture of the bunch.