Sunday, September 4, 2011

My dumbstick is back

Yep I've gotten hit again with the dumbstick- when you turn into a bumbling idiot who forgets why then came into a room and I lose my train of thought more times than I can count...

Yep we're expecting again. Monster #3 is on the way. I'm a little over 9 wks now and have an ultrasound on Friday to confirm due dates- right now it's April 6th- and make sure there's only one of these aliens inside me. Yep I'm showing. Yep I've had to wear maternity pants since 6 weeks- yikes! My skinny pants- well skinny for me at least- stopped fitting then. And I tried to wear my fat pants, but they looked ridiculous because they fit my fat expanding waist, but the legs were about twice the size of my actual legs so I had to bust out my prego wear. Ahhh so much more comfy. I tried to get a pic, but taking one yourself is practically impossible. Even with my self times I'm never happy with what I get. So far I've felt way better than I did with either of the girls. A little nausea at times, but totally manageable. I'm not sad to say that Mr. John hasn't been my best friend- yay! Just insanely tired- I hit 1-2pm and I'm a grouchy mama who needs a nap- NOW! Still working out a few times a week though- yay for me. So that's probably the real story why I haven't blogged much. Trying to keep this a secret has been near impossible, especially when you show as early as I do.

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