Friday, September 16, 2011

Put away your phone already!!!

Hmm... I must be starting to feel more like myself to have a post like this.
And I can honestly say that I am.
Part of me feels a little insensitive for not feeling sad and miserable longer, but I'm honestly glad that I don't. I want to be ok with it. I want to move on. I want to be a fun and happy mom to my girls and to be the wife that my husband deserves.

So anyways we went to Red Robin tonight for dinner. Score for me since it's been over a week since I've cooked dinner. Ugh guess that's going to have to change if I'm really going to get back into my old routine... But anyways back to pet peeves. I have many. Shocking right, lol?!
So one of my biggest ones by far is when people are out to dinner... and they can't put away their cell phones... especially when they are out to dinner as a family. So while mom and dad sat on one side of the table both on separate phones their son- probably about 6 years old or so sat across the table from them and not a word was spoken. Wow- way to go mom and dad. Great parenting and family time.

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