Friday, January 28, 2011

Potty training 1 diaper 0

Ok so maybe that count isn't very accurate in the long run.... buuutttt in the short run (and by that I mean the past week or so...) it's totally right on!!! Lately our big hurdle has been Hailey going #2 on the toilet. It seemed like she was either deathly afraid of it or just couldn't control herself enough or... really who knows because she's 2 and I can only understand 1/2 of what she says lol.

So she does very well keeping her pull-up dry until about one or so-- and that's even when we go out and run errands!!!-- and then our battles usually began. Of course she isn't very good at telling me when she has to go potty yet, but she is doing very well at holding it for the potty so that's definitely a step in the right direction! Well a few days ago she went poopie on the potty (sorry kiddo talk there, lol) and I told her I would buy her a bag of skittles for it. Well I did and I also bought some flushable wet wipes because she said owie when I was wiping her and I was worried that might be another reason why she wouldn't go on the potty. Well today was a total breakthrough day for her~~~~ She's gone #2 on the potty 3- yep that's right- 3 times today already!!! She's getting her reward --I bought a giant bag of snack size skittle bags at the store for treats for her-- and TONS OF PRAISE!!!

It's still a very strange experience for me to watch my baby grow up. As much as that little monster drives me nutso at times I love her sooo much!!! I can't believe that she's 2 and starting to become such an amazing little girl :)

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