Wednesday, January 12, 2011

One man with 3 little ladies

I love this guy SOOO much! He's a hard-w0rking, fun-loving goof and I couldn't have picked anyone better to share eternity with.

He does absolutely all that he can for us girls and has taken that one step further now....

Next quarter he will be a student again. He's finally found the strong desire to attend school so in April he will be at SCC to work on his AA and then on to Eastern??!! Who knows maybe somewhere else depending on where life goes for us. I've always tried to urge him into school, but he needed to want it for himself. Yep the next few years will probably be difficult, but that's just life in general and either way we always find a way to make it work. His plan for now is to take as many online classes as he can and then work his schedule around school when that doesn't work any more. I'll probably have to pick up some work from home if I can as well, so if anyone knows anything that I can do from home let me know! I'm not willing to work out of home though I know I could. I just feel like I would be away from my family too much, plus Tim is going to need plenty of time to study...

Anyways, this is where life is taking us over the next few year... so much for letting things calm down, lol.


Kathryn said...

Hurray for school! That's great you guys! You're right, its tough at times but things always work out in the end. And good for you for wanting to stay home with your babes. This time is so precious. I believe that God will make things work out for us as we live like he wants us to :) Good luck!

Mikaela said...

That is awesome. What a blessing for you in the long run.

Also, I think it's great you want to stay home. Way to recognize what's the most important thing, even if it is hard. I hope you can find a little something to do for work at home. Besides babysitting, I've got no good ideas!