Monday, January 17, 2011

Help please!!!

I'm really not sure who actually reads this, but I know of at least a few people who do so here goes nothing...

I'm about going out of my mind with the whole potty- training thing. Hailey acted like she was totally ready a few months ago so we hit it really hard... and then we realized that she had turned around and had no desire so we completely stopped to give her a break from everything. I've tried just about everything and nothing seems to get through to her from offering candy every time she goes, to letting her read books, to giving good praise, to emphasizing "big girl", etc. . The only time she asks to go to the potty now is when she is around older kids and they go. She even asks for candy now and we tell her that she needs to go on the potty to get candy and then she just doesn't care about the candy anymore!

Tim and I both think that she's regressing since we've had Hannah. She keeps doing baby things like eating with her hands, sticking her fingers in her mouth, and of course, not wanting to potty train at all. I can tell when she has to go #2- for example last night we were hanging out in the living room and at first she tries to hide behind the couch. I asked her what she was doing and if she needed to go poo and she said no. Then she kept trying to run out of the room and I asked her to come back and what she was doing and she yells no again. Then she left the room again and we didnt' notice this time. I yelled for her to come back and we asked her if she had gone poo and she said yes and of course she did.

So... for those way more experience parents than I.... or those who have just had way better luck at this than we have had please help!!! Any advice, suggestions, or anything??? I'm going out of my mind changing 2 sets of diapers for this long and would like to be on the path for changing that very soon =) Thanks!!


Smith Family said...

You probably won't like to hear what I have to say but I wouldn't worry about it. Typically developing kids potty train when they are ready. By the sounds of it you are doing everything you can. The only other suggestion I would offer is to set a schedule and keep the data. For example, set her on the potty every 30 minutes and keep track of when she goes and when she doesn't. Eventually you will find that she will go at about the same time every day and you can adjust the schedule to be those times.

You should always expect regression when a new sibling comes along. Don't give her attention for acting like a baby. If she eats with her hands, remind her to use her utensils and then ignore the hand eating. Praise when she does what you want. As soon as she picks up the fork to use it give her a ton of attention for it.

All three of my girls had moments of being potty trained before the age of three and all three lost interest. At about three they decided they were a big girl and went diaper free on their own terms, including through the night. Kezri was my hide and poo girl, so I know exactly what you are talking about with that. But she was also the easiest once she made the decision. Not a single accident with her. Hailey will get there, keep up the good work and she will make the progress.

Stacey Olsen said...

I bought some little presents from the dollar store and wrapped them up. When Tash would go pee he got to open a little one (bought a bag full on little animals and wrapped each one up) and poo he got to open a big one (coloring book, playdough, a piggie bank he could paint, book) he also got a treat (bought a tub of gummi bears from Walmart) 1 for pee 2 for poo and he also got a sticker for his book 1 for pee 2 for poo. Might be over kill but he looked forward to and asked for each and every one when he went. Is a bit of a pain to take all this with you when you go somewhere but worth it I guess. Then even before all the presents were gone he had it licked and had quit asking for them. He does still ask for a treat but what the heck it is better than him going in his pants so I have no problem giving it to him. Though he was really keen for the potty this time around the first time we tried no interest at all. Tried in Mar (22 months old) and then HE wanted the potty in Oct (29 months) and it was a success from there. Also bought one of those toilet inserts cause he wanted to be on the toilet not on the little potty. Hope this helps. Know how time consuming changing 2 sets of diapers is. Best of luck

Renee' P said...

I too hate potty training! With Dom (although boys are different than girls) we tried several times before I just gave up and waited until he was ready. He was 3 1/2 yrs old when the time came, but he WAS ready then! We've had no probs with him!

Lily wants to PT, but I'm just not committed with a new baby. I figure we'll really go at it this summer when she'll be three!

It's very frustrating work and you HAVE to have patience. If she is regressing, I'd just put her back in diapers until she's ready. You could encourage her with BIG GIRL panties!

Hang in there :)


Christy said...

Thanks so much for the good advice so far. Stacey that's amazing that you went so far- not quite sure I have the time and effort for all that, but I'll keep it in mind. Holly I don't ever mind hearing what you have to say, lol. Especially when I'm asking for help! And Renee I totally know how you feel, which is why I waited until way after we had Hannah and were in the new house to try with Hailey.

Mikaela said...

I was more or less the same with Holly and Renee. McKay was a breeze to potty train because I waited till he was 3. He had maybe 2 poop accidents and 4-5 pee accidents the entire time potty training because he was ready!