Sunday, September 19, 2010

Another one (or five) bites the dust!

5 is a very important # to me- because that's how I like to mark my weight loss!!
This past week marked another milestone for me~~~~~~I lost another five pounds!!! Which brings the total to 10!!! And this is all after I already lost the baby weight from Hannah!! I told myself that once I lost 15 pounds I could buy myself a new pair of jeans and let me tell you, the ones I have right now are hanging off of me- yay!! I have a $50 gift certificate for Gap that I bought off of (fabulous site if you ever want to check it out!!) for only $25 that I've been saving for just this occasion. Each day that site has a great deal and I happened to check it this day that the gap sale was going on. Gap is just about the place that I can find flattering pants for my shape and height so I was super excited when I saw that deal- I mean come on, who doesn't love free money?!!

1 comment:

Nikki said...

nice-its hard loosing weight when theres so much good food out there!!! lol
btw way cute house and congrats on being sealed! yay!!!