Monday, May 16, 2011

A new adventure

Life just got a little busier in the Olsen house again. Tim was just released as the 1st counselor in Young Mens... and then he was called as the Young Men's president...

I'm a little nervous about having to get the girls ready by myself on Sunday mornings as Tim now has meetings every morning before church, especially once I get pregnant again. Hannah's pregnancy was a lot easier on me than Hailey's was so hopefully that means the next will be easier as well. Luckily he'll already be there so I'll have to have him save us seats in case we're a little late, lol. We had kind of joked a bit that he might get that calling, but when he did a week ago it was shocking to us... and still kind of is. I know that he'll do wonderful at it and I'm really interested to see how the calling helps him develop. Sometimes he can get walked on a little so hopefully this helps him speak up and get his opinion heard more. The boys sure seem to have taken to him so far so good luck honey!!

I know that he's felt quite "stretched" lately with as many things as he's attempting to take on and I have to admit that he's doing very well with them. He's still managing to help me get things done around the house while still working and maintaining very good grades. I'm so proud of him. Anyways we've both had a few nudges lately that we're doing what we're supposed to be doing and we both feel that this is another more obvious nudge from our loving Heavenly Father that we're doing as he would have us do =)


Andrea said...

You found me! I'm impressed. You have a very cute blog.

Andrea said...

Good job finding my blog! Your blog is very cute.

Christy said...

Yes I found you =) so glad that you're in our ward!