Monday, October 18, 2010

Who saves clothes for 4 years??

That's right- I DO! So as most who read this know, I've been saving my favorite size 8 Gap jeans for about 4 years. Yep I've been fat and overweight, but hey I'm a curvy woman and my weight goes up and down just like everyone else! Well it was about 2 weeks ago when I rewarded myself with the new size 10's and after a few days- they didn't fit!! So I whipped out my old jeans and bada bing they fit! I called Tim at work right away to share the good news! They are a little on the tight side, but I'm still losing so they'll fit like a dream in no time. I took my jeans that I had just bought back and the people at the store were super nice and let me exchange for a smaller size!

Now I'm not writing any of this to seem like I'm vain or anything. I'm really just that excited to be back into a size that I never in my life thought I would see again! I mean for the past few years I've been going into the stores to buy a bigger size so just the fact that I'm doing the opposite is just making me ecstatic! And... Tim's lost about 20 lbs as well and fitting back into smaller pant sizes too. I'm very glad that both of us are making our way back to healthier weights and that we're doing it together!


Nikki said...

way to go guys.

The Brown's Sanitarium said...

you are not vain. you are amazing. good job!