Sunday, March 7, 2010

New adventures

Lately Hailey has been very into climbing. Anything she's actually able to get up onto she does and if she's not able to she says "Ma mah mama ma mah mama... " over and over and over again until I put her where she wants to be. Most of what she says is some version of mom, dad, or baby. For example, please is Mah, but kind of rhyming with please. She's such a ham sometimes. Anyways, I can't seem to keep her off of the coffee table. Whenever I turn my back to do dishes or something else I look back and there she is again. Of course I'm trying to teach her not to and to get down, but not without snapping a pic first. I managed to catch her in mid scream while she was bouncing around.

She's also very fascinated in climbing into her dolly stroller, but it's hilarious because each time she does the wheels bow out because the whole thing is plastic and usually she can't get out of it by herself without tumbling over. She really isn't the best with smiling for pics, but I did get a really good one of her in mid-cry because I wouldn't help her out of it right at the moment.

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