Sunday, March 20, 2011


So the past few weeks have flown by. Hailey got sick... again! Luckily we've been barf free for almost a week now so hopefully the flu bug is gone for good... sigh. Other than that Hailey has really been testing my patience lately, but I'm proud to say that I've been doing a lot better handling her. Her attitude has been very moody lately and mealtimes have become quite the battle. I think the most frustrating thing is that I just feel like I'm 'flying blind' when it come to raising her because she's our oldest... we think that a lot of her problem lately is her 2 year molars that are taking their sweet ol time coming in now... poor thing!
Hannah is a crawling monster now and quite the mommy's girl. I love it because Hailey is a daddy's girl now so I'll take all the lovin I can get from my lil nanners. She just got her 3rd and 4th tooth in and is working on #5 right now. Once again baby tylenol is our lifesaver. So both of the girls are cranky and teething... Let's just say that when they are both that bad during the day bedtime usually is right at 7pm... to save my sanity so that there is some left for the next day, lol. Hannah is also quite the little character. She has such a fun personality and loves playing lots! She's great at entertaining herself, except for when she's tired, poopie, or hungry, lol.

See mom... look... they're balls!!!

Don't you want some too?
Tim has been super busy. I feel like we hardly see him... and it's probably because we haven't much lately. He works his normal 40/week job, then donates plasma twice a week, then does his church calling w/ the YM, and then has been taking on a lot of side tile jobs as well, which usually take up his entire weekend. And then did I mention that he's adding school to that mix in about 2 weeks here?!! Yep here we go with school too now...

Which leaves me now. I've been working out... a lot!! I've been trying out lots of different classes and I really like Zumba. I haven't really lost much weight, but I have noticed my body slimming a little in the waist and my clothes fitting better =) I've been going so much because most days I dont' feel like I have anything better to do and I really love the break from my kids. Plus on the days when I hardly see Tim it's really nice to get some adult interaction too!

1 comment:

Kathryn said...

And you look awesome by the way! Muscle weighs more than fat, so don't go by weight! Love your haircut too! :)