Saturday, March 5, 2011

A clear and peaceful mind

I'm the kind of person where my mind always seems to be going a million ways a minute. Probably why I tend to stress myself out more than I should, lol. Anyways this morning the hubbie and I were able to get away for a few hours thanks to the wonderful and amazing Ontiveros team-- I feel like I have to call them that because of how much of a handful my children can be, especially the monsterific Hailey, lol. Lots of love goes out to them for allowing us the time alone... and we put that to good use.

We went to the temple this morning and it was great! It's been a while since we were last able to go together due to sicknesses, family being in town, trying to find a babysitter, and life in general just taking control and being WAY too busy. Well we took control back into our hands and spent a few hours in the most wonderfully peaceful place on earth. I really can't think of a better way to start out our Saturday morning than feeling so close to our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. I absolutely love how clear my mind is there. Gone are the constant thoughts going through my mind and replaced is a very real and strong feeling of my Savior's love for me. Gone are my feelings that I'm a terrible mother and wife and not doing a good enough job. Instead I feel that through serving the Lord and living as he would have me live I know I can do better and am able to see that I'm really doing a much better job than I think that I am. I realize that I need to give myself a break- I'm NOT PERFECT! The only perfect person to walk this earth has been Jesus Christ and the best I can do is to follow his example and try to allign my life as he would have me do.

So here is a very real realization for myself- the next time I'm feeling down and out I'm going to take a break from the world and visit the temple =)

1 comment:

Kathryn said...

We love those kiddos of yours, so glad you were able to get some time away! And i didn't realize how sick you guys had all been, that's no fun at all, glad things are better!