Thursday, August 26, 2010

Some people are just so sweet =)

I was out shopping at Kohl's this morning, which I love by the way. They actually have good clearance prices, plus you can use their 15% off coupons on top of the clearance prices..... aweeeesoommmeee!!! I was out shopping for the new house- yes I know we haven't closed yet, but I've gotta start getting stuff while it's cheap and on sale. So my grand total came to just under 125...., BUT I SAVED 215!!!
Anyways, it took a while for me to check out and while I was standing there I chatted it up with this really nice lady who asked if she could Hailey would like a Pooh Bear that they had near the register. I didn't really feel like I could say no- they were only $5- and it just made Hailey's and that lady's day. So of course I had to take a cute lil pic of Hailey with her new stuffed animal.
And then Hannah didn't get anything out shopping today, but she's still cute as can be and talking a lot now!

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