Monday, August 19, 2013

Traveling is Fun

So this was the first of our trips up to Canada this summer. Yes we have made more than one and now that the end of summer is nearing I'm exhausted. A 7hr trip with kids is long and is never 7 hrs. It's more like 8-9 with potty and food stops. Oh well =) The few days before we drove up southern Alberta had some of the most rain and worst flooding that they have had in years. These are just a few of the pics I snapped on our way up and this was all along the main highway. 

 I have a very long "bucket list" of things that I want to see, do, and experience in Canada. A lot of them are very easy and right off of the main highway that we travel on and I decided a few years ago after traveling back and forth from Spokane to Lethbridge that I was tired of driving straight past everything and not seeing anything. This was a fun trip and we had quite a few days up there so we attempted to go to Head Smashed in Buffalo Jump. Dave was patient enough to tag along with us this time. Unfortunately though we drove there and it was closed from the flooding. The site itself was fine, but many of the major cities were flooded and that's also where the government is that runs the site. The place looked pretty cool though and we're definitely going to make a trip back there to get to go through it. It was part of their Aboriginal Days when we went and an Indian man (I don't remember from which tribe) had been hired to speak and he showed up and talked a bit about his heritage to those who showed up. 

 So since our day at the 1st place was shut down we tried to salvage the day and we stopped by Fort MacLeod. This was definitely a place that was NOT worth the $10 a piece that it cost to get in. A few spots were pretty neat, but it was overall cheesy because it wasn't original. The fort had been rebuilt and moved. 
 You can see Hannah wasn't amused with being locked in jail
 The only proof that I was on this trip 
 Always good information to have... 

 Best part of this fort were the goats the kids could feed

Another stop on my list: Lundbreck Falls. So this place was pretty neat. You can't even tell that these falls are here from the main highway. We first pulled in the campground that they have here along the river and hiked in a bit and found the falls from far away. Then we saw the viewing decks, etc that they had set up. 

 She has started to pose now for almost every picture I take 

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