Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Fair Fun

This year we did make it to the fair and the girls had lots of fun. I just love seeing the looks on the girls faces. They just love it all!
Tim got picked from the audience. I just love how both girls are standing there watching. All 4 men had to walk around the stage posing like that.

Then they sat in chairs, leaned back, the lady took the chairs away, and then they had to stand up. It was pretty funny and Tim was such a great sport.
This lady was showing her goats at the fair and let the girls feed them crackers and then took one out so they could lead it around.

Such a nice lady! The goat was the one leading Hannah here =)
Right after she got her face painted.
Proof Natalie was here too- she was snug as can be in her front carrier on daddy
Girls together- they both got pretty unicorns
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And of course the fair wouldn't be complete without a few rides. We even got Hannah to go on a few rides this year. She was actually an inch too short to go on any rides, but the carousel (even with an adult), but we just acted like she was tall enough and only one person wouldn't let her get on.
Last year Hailey and I got bracelets because she wanted go on so many rides, but this year we opted for tickets and I'm glad we did. I had no clue, but most rides won't even charge the parent for riding with their kid on the kiddie rides- awesome!
These pictures were too good not to post. Both girls fell asleep  on our way home from the fair and were so tired that Tim had to carry them both into the grandparents house and they stayed asleep like that for about 2 hours! They had so much fun this year!                         

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