Monday, June 18, 2012

Graduation day

My sis, bro and I. Yes I'm huge- and swollen too!

Hannah literally laid down on the cement with everyone around her

Whole family pic

My little brother graduated from high school on the 10th!! We all went to celebrate with him and it turned into quite the long day, especially for my kiddos. Started with stake conference and then we had a short break and were able to let the girlies run around at home for a bit. Then we were off to meet the family for lunch and then off to the graduation ceremony, which was LONG! I was impressed with how short each of the speakers kept their talks, but that still didn't seem to help much. The girls did ok but as you can see from the above pic poor Hannah was D-O-N-E... yep she didn't get a nap that day. But yay for my brother- now on to bigger and better things in life. I'm so proud of him. He graduated with honors and is off to Eastern next year.

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