Wednesday, July 7, 2010

4th of July fun

We went out to my grandparents place on Liberty Lake this year. Gosh I never realized how much work it is to have little ones out at the lake before... well I suppose that Hailey wasn't even walking yet last summer. We just fired up the grill, brought salads, and enjoyed a nice day out at the lake.
Anyways we all know how much of a monster Hailey is, and yes, she did fall into the lake off of the dock once. Luckily we know our child very well and she had a life jacket on at all times! She was wearing her bathing suit that has a life jacket built into it so it gave Tim plenty of time to jump in after her and get her out.
Luckily, also, Tim had already been swimming and had his suit on. The water was a bit on the cold side, but nothing was stopping the boys from getting in. They were trying to jump in and catch the football... We tried to get Hailey to swim, but she just whined and cried the whole time. She enjoyed playing on the steps that lead down to the water, but that was about it. Oh and Tim caught a fish!!! Now I say it like that because while he absolutely loves fishing he doesn't seem to have any luck with it. And this is the biggest fish that I've ever seen caught off of my grandparent's dock! Way to go honey!

1 comment:

Nikki said...

sounds like fun. I love going to lakes during the summer.