Saturday, February 2, 2013

Longest week of my life

Something that I need to add to the list of things that are super hard as a mommy:

.... putting our children first before our own needs... I need to go to the gym.... I need a break from my children once in a while to feel sane... I need to keep myself in shape and to "somewhat like" the way that I look which only happens when I maintain a certain weight and even then I'm usually not happy with it anyways...

I haven't been to the gym in a month.... ewww.... just writing that out makes me sick... because that means 1 month worth of gym membership fees down the potty and wasted...

and speaking of the potty....

I didn't leave the house in a week while the kids were awake because of Hannah potty training. I felt so bad for my kids and they watched entirely too much tv and were starting to go a lil stir crazy. Hannah has done extremely well, but has had the typical problems with going #2... So I didn't allow her to wear any bottoms at all because each time I did she would poo in them. I have little patience or the stomach to deal with cleaning that up so I've thrown out a few pairs already. One time she did #2 on the potty so I let her put her big girl panties back on... and not even 5 min later she poos in them... that's my Hannah =)  I made her sit on a towel everywhere she went to help with accidents and she got the hint real fast. The first time I took her out of the house was for mutual on Wed night- Tim and I both have to be there for our church callings so we basically didn't have a choice. She had been potty training for a week and I thought it would be fine.  Lol... Within an hour she had 2 accidents... go figure lol. But we've been out of the house a few times since then and she's doing amazing. Even staying dry at night time too.

So my house is a disaster and so is my body because I desperately want it to be fitter and toner and overall smaller... but for now I'm a mommy and where I need to be with my children. This next week should be much better as I WILL get back into a gym routine. TTFN...

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