Thursday, February 17, 2011

Enjoying the little moments

I've been feeling especially frazzled lately. I love my kids- really I do- but they have been driving me nuts... and it's not really even Hannah...

It's this monster-----Hailey----!!!!!

She is full force in the "terrible 2's" and I'm just not sure what to do with her some days. She yells at me, cries for no reason, is rough with other kids, is just plain mean, etc. I realize this is probably typical for most kids, but I've just felt very close to my breaking point. You know that's coming when you feel like sobbing hysterically because you're so darn frustrated... and I'm not much of a crier at all so those are huge words coming from my mouth. I'm usually very good at keeping my emotions in check. Well Tim has noticed and we've talked about getting a membership to the ymca and he agreed. It didn't really take much convincing though, lol, because 2 hrs each day of childcare is included and he could tell that I desperately needed a break from the girls. I love him so much for seeing that- it just means that he really does pay attention more than I think that he does and I love him ever more for it. So for me it's a win-win situation. I get a much needed break from my children and I get to get healthy and keep my weight in check too... or I suppose that I could just sit there and read, lol, but so far I'm loving the classes that they offer. I actually really like to work out when it's at a gym, but by far I get better workouts in classes where the instructor is making us do stuff.

Hannah still isn't crawling yet... I really don't think that she cares for it at all because we watched her crawl a few steps (it feels goofy to call it that but I think we all know what I mean, haha) the other night, but then no more.

She's such a happy baby though and really is an angel... right now I suppose, lol. I can't wait to see if she's nearly as busy as her big sister is. Last Wed night for YM/YW Joint activity we took the youth ice skating downtown. I wanted to come and take some new pics and Tim had to go as well so we decided to bring the girls. They were bundled up and Hannah actually slept through most of it anyways. Hailey was a busy monster, like always, and even one time managed to barely get onto the ice. We didn't get her skates, but it looks like next time we're going to have to. She was lucky enough to get to ride this "ehsie" (horsie) a few times.

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