Thursday, July 7, 2011

What's wrong with people?!!

Can't people just be nice to be nice anymore?!! So today I'm walking into Fred Meyer on Francis carrying both girls. Why am I carrying both girls... because Hailey was tired and wouldn't walk. I know- bad mommy- but this was my last stop and I only needed a few items in there anyways. So as I'm walking in a grungy looking guy asks if I'd like a cart and grabs a kiddie cart for me. Very helpful right??!!.... Well.... not so much. Then he starts going on about wanting to sell me his ebt card to make a key, yada yada yada. This is against the law too... I politely tell him "sorry I can't do that" and walk away.

Then I see creepo in the store. He made direct eye contact with me and I tried to smile nicely back, but I had this extreme warning going off inside. So while I was checking out I asked for help out. Seriously I NEVER do this. I enjoy doing it myself and it's a bit of a workout- yes I'm that lame. I just didn't want to deal with that guy again, especially with my 2 little girlies. So of course when I walk out with someone he isn't there. But of course I'm very thankful for that too.

Things like this just upset me. I try to keep an eye out for ways I can be helpful to others. For example the other day there was an elderly lady I saw walking into the grocery store who was walking very slowly. Then we were both coming out together as well and she had a bunch of groceries in her motorized cart. I offered to help her with them and she looked stunned that someone was even offering. She declined my help, but that is SO NOT THE POINT! We all need to be kinder and more helpful to each other. Without expecting anything in return. K I'm done for today!

And then to end on a good note. This sums up much better what I'm trying to say:
"My brothers and sisters, we are surrounded by those in need of our attention, our encouragement, our support, our comfort, our kindness- be they family member, friends, acquaintences, or strangers. We are the Lord's hands here upon the earth, with the mandate to serve and to lift His children. He is dependent upon each of us." ~~Thomas S. Monson~~

1 comment:

Kathryn said...

Love it Christy, I know just what you mean. That's a great quote to remember. And in general, that Fred Meyer is usually swarming with weirdos, so I can see that happening. I never make eye contact with people there. It's hard to be polite with so many creeps out there.